
078 Car Batteries

078 Car Batteries

When you need to replace your car battery, don’t make the mistake of choosing the first model that you come across. Instead, check the model number and dimensions of the 078 battery already in your car and match it with one of our products.
We stock a wide range of 078 batteries to make sure that you can pick the right one for your car. Our products have different capacities for different vehicles and they have varying dimensions within the same model group, so double-checking your requirements with a specialist is recommended before you make a purchase. It is better to check twice and buy once than to check once and buy twice. In today’s world of computer technology, some manufacturers will require any new batteries to be coded to their specific Battery Energy Management (BEM) so that no data is lost by your car’s computers. Once a battery is removed, the computer cannot work until a new one is installed, so be sure to check your manufacturer’s requirements before attempting to replace your car battery at home. Show Less

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